ML's review of Tax Lifeboat, Inc.

Tax Lifeboat, Inc.

Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 9/25/2012
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From Skeptic to Supporter - Tax Lifeboat Delivered
Shortly after the economic turn in 2008, our business tanked and we were hit with an audit. Unable to pay taxes, we had a tax burden of over $160,000 and were losing everything. I contacted Tax Lifeboat and found them straightforward and professional. After paying the required fee, I procrastinated in locating needed documents. I delivered the information to Tax Lifeboat late, which "voided" the guarantee, but that DID NOT affect their handling of my case. Once I delivered the information, my advocate, James Sharmat, spent over 3 hours with the IRS understanding where my case was and what was happening - it wasn't pretty. James's responsiveness to me and his championing our case with the IRS was superb. He was able to remove the levies and liens that were starting to be applied that very day. He also provided excellent advice in helping me understand the IRS process and what was expected from me. He coached me through the IRS paperwork and backup documentation. He prepared me for a long and agonizing process with the IRS, but I found that while it was long, it was not agonizing because evidently the information submitted under his guidance was sufficient to have the IRS agree to a very reasonable resolution. I was shocked 9 months later when the IRS representative said that if we would increase our OIC by $245 to a little over $12,000, it would be accepted and without additional documentation. After the OIC was accepted and paid, another issue came up after the file was closed. Tax Lifeboat took care of the issue for me at no additional cost! They and the IRS have allowed us a fresh start for which we are truly grateful. I am so glad that I found the patience to stick with them so that they could turn me from a skeptic to a supporter.
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