What a rip off
Rite A Way services was assigned by my warranty company First American Home Warranty. The water heater needed to be replaced and I was informed, like many others on here, that "modifications" to the tune of $385 would not be covered. They demanded my credit card information before they would replace the heater. Not much choice since I was 250 miles away and my tenant was without hot water. Next day I get a call from plumber at house indicating the stand needed to be replaced ($100-150 at Lowes he told me). Again no choice. Job was completed and I was charged $485 after plumber told me after he was done he got it for the lower price. I contacted First American about the rip-off and was told $385 was pretty standard. I went to Lowes and checked out the parts etc for myself. Stand was $47. All other parts totaled less than $100. Called Rite-A-way and demanded invoices. Never got them. Contacted Rep at First American requesting an investigation after seeing all the reviews on Yelp. Was told by Rep that maybe I should get a cash out on the next one. Rite-A Way is a rip off and First American Home warranty is negligent in contracting them. I am done with First American.