Sheri G.'s review of Remington Homes

Remington Homes

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Complaint Posted 9/4/2020
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Unfortunately it has come to this, but being we had such a negative experience with Remington Homes, who state they are a "Trusted Colorado Builder for 50 year" holds not true anymore. The amount of grief they have put us through since we have signed the contract to when we were forced to end the contract. From not communicating with us, not being truthful in the “unopened” concept design in the kitchen, to wrong quotes from the design center because they had the wrong phase 2 plans, not seeing our house plans for 4 months, to not keeping true on your word when we specifically asked worst case scenarios of one of us losing our jobs/income OR the economy collapses. We signed under false pretenses. Let’s start from the beginning. June 16, 2019: Met with Remington homes to inquire about a new single family build in Downtown Superior. Before we signed the contract, we met with Remington Homes TWICE to discuss some reservations. We specifically asked, on TWO separate occasions, what would happen if one of use lost our job/income and if the economy crashes. We were told twice, “Remington are not monsters, we are willing to work with you if either of these scenarios do happen. We have returned deposits before.” <--They gave us 2 examples of this. Nov 18, 2019: Signed Contract March 19, 2020: Finally Receive our design floor plans (We asked numerous times since signing the contract to see the floorplans, we added an extra bedroom and bathroom, they kept delaying) March 17, 2020: Email to Remington: Design Center did not have the correct floor plan for our home. We spent over 4 hours picking out our materials, she couldn't get us specific pricing on anything. Could not quote us for the 4th bed/bath. Argued that there was carpet in the main floor living area, nothing laminate hardwood like we were told, tile and granite differed from what we were shown before we signed the contract. Still waiting on pricing info from Remington on a handful of items. -Asked Remington to put things on hold, so we can get an accurate pricing and revisit so we can make a better decision. Stil have not broken ground. March 24, 2020: Asked Remington if we can get the layout/view of the kitchen cabinets. I notice that there is some sort of wall or post in the kitchen. I email the same day to ask what I am looking at. -Finally receive pricing on some item upgrades through Remington, not the design center items. April 15, 2020: Remington confirms there is an added structural post on the island in the kitchen. This was never mentioned to us during the whole interaction with Remington. They clearly mentioned before/after we signed the contract, that the 2nd floor is the same as Phase One with the exception of the dining room moving over. No one ever told us of a structural beam. Around this time they also mention that the roof top deck has changed in design. This is TWO BIG DESIGN CHANGES! During this time, we lost income (job) and a significant portion of assets due to COVID. We still wanted to move forward with the purchase of the home if Remington would come down in price, where we could afford it on one income. May 6, 2020: Working on negotiating the price with Remington to buy the home. They were not able to come down enough in price, our only option is to not move forward with the house. Note that they have not even begun to break ground. We asked for our deposit back and they rejected it. We were SHOCKED! Before we signed our contract they talked us through how they would work with us and talked about returning deposits if either one of us lost our jobs/income and if the economy were to go down. We tried reaching out numerous times to talk to them, and they ignored us. Completely ignored us. May 15th, 2020: Our lawyer sent a Demand Letter, asking for mediation, which we are entitled to in our contract, they had 21 days to respond and we heard nothing back. We tried numerous times to get a hold of them and they ignored us. June 15, 2020: Since we have not heard back from Remington at all to talk about our options, we had to send a Demand Arbitration Letter. June 24, 2020: Remington Homes sends us a letter stating that we are still on hook for the house, and we are in breach of contract for not choosing our finishes and giving them additional deposit. That we only have 2 options, pay the additional deposit or sign a letter stating that we void the contract. If we sign the letter to void the contract, then we are not entitled to arbitration. They literally cornered us. I will mention again, we had legal right to have a conversation with Remington Homes to work things out, and they refused. No calls, no meetings, no emails. Silent. That is not how you conduct business. Remington homes truly do not care or have any empathy or compassion. How can you call yourselves a trusted builder when you choose to take advantage of buyers. In this day in age, where you see community and people coming together due to a pandemic, you choose to do the opposite. I will not stop my mission of letting the community know awful of the business you are. I will relentlessly let our sports community know of the injustice you are committing. I have sat outside of the entrance door to prospective buyers to let them know my experience (2 of which decided to walk away), handing them flyers, starting social media campaigns, going to the Superior Town meetings to make sure my voice is heard, leaving this BBB review and working with DORA. #remingtonhomesnotatrustedbuilder
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