J H.'s review of Natural Source Store, LLC

Natural Source Store, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 11/2/2009
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Review 11/2/2009
I purchased a free sample from Natural Source Stone for their "South Beach Brite" teeth whitening product for $4.99 which covered shipping and handling. Initially I felt scammed after being charged $79.95 after the free 14-day trial that I didn't know about. I was so upset that I initially wrote a scathing review because the company did not see my perspective and didn't issue a credit to me after I explained to customer service that I wasn't aware of the 14-day trial period and the ensuing $79.95 charge that resulted when I didn't cancel the product within the 14-day trial period. The owner of the Natural Source Stone, Mr. Alan Cohen, and I discussed the issue that transpired for my transaction in great detail for more than an hour. Mr. Cohen was extremely fair and listened to me with great respect. Mr. Cohen explained his company's philosophy and elaborated on all of the steps they do to try to provide a good customer experience to everyone. I came to realize, on my own accord, that I was largely responsible for not knowing about the company's terms and conditions even though it was not intentional on my part. The fact of the matter is there were three levels of terms and condition disclosure and unfortunately I missed every one and that is why I felt slighted initially. The sample product that they provide is something that you would receive at a dentist office for much more than $79.95. I thought the product would be more like something that you would get from a grocery store like "Crest" white-strips for $10-$20 and the $4.99 for shipping and handling would cover the cost of the product. My only suggestion is that the company redesign their website to issue a "pop-up" message when the "order" button is selected so the important terms and conditions are known before the buyer is able to go to the payment screen. Mr. Cohen's efforts in reaching out to me to understand my perspective was a refreshing change from what I initially suspected after reading the negative feedback with the Better Business Bureau and other web sites. Most of the past issues with the company were attributable to outsourcing customer-service abroad last year. The company's decision to move customer service back to the US has made a huge difference with customer satisfaction for the company. I recommend Natural Source Store to everyone but be sure to read the terms and conditions beforehand so there are no misunderstandings.
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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (954) 894-3445 Address   4051 SW 47th Ave., #101-102
Davie, FL 33314
Website   http://www.naturalsourcestore.com Email   customerservice@naturalsourcestore.com
Contact   Alan Cohen Other  
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