I had recently written a review giving this company much support. This is a rewrite in which i have deleted original report because it would seriously mislead people. The quality of there memory foam is not suberb but is terrible. I no longer use any of their memory foam products because they feel like slepping on marsh mellows after two or three months of use. I imagine it is a matter of time before company either changes its name or is completely out of business. Yet something tells me they are very good at staying in business through deceptive means. Be very weary!!! Selectfaom.com and memoryfoam.com are the same company. If they claim they use venus or sensus memory foam i believe it is a lie. I know that that niether the 8lb topper nor the 5lb topper i have purchased from them is venus or sensus memory foam. Like i said above i no longer use there product 6 months later after purchase. One last thing there memory foam is not in the same category as temperpedic, I had finally purchased the temperpedic overlay topper to replace theirs and there is no comparison. The date of this re-write is 3/1/12. original review that is now deleted was 9/2/11