Wayne C.'s review of Kritter Cap

Kritter Cap

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 9/21/2021
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This stopped pesky mce in the attic - quickly and easily and cheaply!!
Who would've thought a little piece of plastic would be so effective?? If you go onto Kritter-Caps.com. you will see many who write that Kritter Cap works. For those that are skeptical like me, you will be surprised... NO SHOCKED! The device is simple. Insert a fully customizable plastic piece into the bottom of the outside corners of your home. The corner piece is called the "corner post," and if you use a little mirror, you will see it is literally an open door and alley way straight up into your attic. We tried other non-violent means of keeping mice out of the attic. Unfortunately both the mice and the chipmunks chewed through foam and the rodents pulled out mesh material (we found that steel wool rusts and deteriorates and leaves a horrible mess.) I read this off the website "It fits up inside the corner post and does not require any screws, caulk, foam or glue to hold it in place. It does not contain poison or sticky glues, there are no springs and it doesn't require a power source for it to work 24/7." Absolute TRUE. This is patented and very well engineered. All American made. I appreciated them keeping it in the USA and supporting an American business :) One other little benefit...well kind if a larger benefit was it seemed to stop the cold air from drafting up into the attic from those corner posts. They should really tell more people about the energy savings. That alone easily pays for the cost of these things within the first month.
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Hours   Phone   (574) 276-5023 Address   14228 State Road 23
Granger, IN 46530
Website   http://www.kritter-caps.com/ Email   jstouffer@stouffertech.com
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