Ronny C.'s review of Creative Vacation Solutions, Inc.

Creative Vacation Solutions, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 7/20/2009
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Review 7/20/2009
These people are not to be trusted. They are predators. They call you with the idea that they already have a buyer for your property wanting $1800. They don't have a buyer for your property. They are liars. I have filed a complaint with the US Attorney Generals office against them. Even after I told them I already had several companies marketing my property and did not need another one they lied by convincing me they had a buyer ready and committed. They mislead me long enough to keep me from filing a complaint with my credit card company. This cause me to have to seek an alternative solution to either having them pay me the quoted price for the sale or returning my money. Here are the rule for the resale of a timeshare. 1) If the company is willing to try to resale your property, they should be willing to put up the cost for marketing, with there cost recovered at the time of sale. 2) The buyer should be paying any closing cost and fees. DON"T GIVE THESE PEOPLE ANY MONEY. 3) If you are currently doing business with these people and you used a credit card, FILE A COMPLAINT IMMEDIATELY. 4) If you have friends with a timeshare they want to sale be sure to alert them of this company. Remember this company will always approach you with the pitch that they have a buyer for your property when they don't.

Update on my case. The local attorney generals office has dropped the ball. I am in the process of sending a letter of complaint directly to the U. S. Attorney generals office in Washington DC. Straight to the office of Eric Holder asking that he has his office investigate and why the local attorney generals office is continuing to allow this company to criminally operate. Anyone wishing to add to this complaint should email me with there complaint ASAP and I will add it to mine.
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