Janet C.'s review of Clearwire US LLC

Clearwire US LLC

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4.8 star rating 0 miles
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 10/28/2009
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Review 10/28/2009
After 2 years (I signed a contract) I cancelled my Voip & Internet service. While I lived within 2 mi of TWO of their towers, my wireless signal was awful. Living in WA, they blamed it on the clouds (though my DirectTV signal rarely faulters). Also, weekends and evening hours, were the worst time to be on Clearwire or Clear. While the price was ok, because I didn't have to have a phone connection, and it was broadband, the lags were annoying. Not to mention that when I had the opportunity to cancel and ASKED what I was required to do with the modem, I was informed that I owned it. The following day, I received a cranky phone call that I had to return it. Irritable from having spent so much time that week on the phone with them and service issues, I told the woman that I had thrown it away. Within 24 hours I was charged almost $100 for it! I was placed on hold for over an hour when I called and demanded to speak with a supervisor. I called in from another phone, received an apology and confirmation code that my money would be credited back to my account. That was about a week ago! I'd give them 2 stars 1 for each year of service. However, because they were so quick to take my money and are being slow about returning it. I don't even want to give them 1 star :( You can read my more detailed review at http://auctionmediapress.com/whats-on-sale/clearwire-clear-isp-review-part-1 Ok, now I'm even MORE annoyed. Clearwire contacted me AGAIN! Another rude collector who pretty much told me that I had stolen Clearwire's equipment! And now, I owe them $84+! I called Clearwire and was on the phone, AGAIN, for approx an hour or so. AGAIN. I was told that the equipment was theirs. This time they were trying to tell me that THEY PAID FOR IT!!!? The money that they credited back to my account, now they insist that they were making a payment to purchase the modem back from me! It took me an hour of arguing, with both the rep & the quality control person even chimed in! I asked them if that's what Clearwire was paying their employees FOR, was to argue with customers who had paid on time for 2 years, and then cancel. It was taking 2 of them, to have this conversation with me, over my money and my property! They wanted me to pay them for services (which they bill a month in advance for!) AND return the modem. I was pretty much worn out. I told them that I didn't have a need for their modem and if they wanted it, they could come and pick it up, just like when they delivered it to me. "What? If it's yours, why would you want to give it back?" I told them "I don't want you to inconvenience me like you did last week and take the money out of my bank account!" Then, once again, they conceded that the modem was mine and they zeroed out my balance.
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Hours   Phone   (888) 253-2794 Address   4400 Carillon Point
Kirkland, WA 98033
Website   http://www.clearwire.com Email   executiveescalations@clearwire.com
Contact   Executive Escalations Other  
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