Juanda M.'s review of Beauty Collections

Beauty Collections

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Beauty Source
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M.C.M. Investigations
5.0 star rating 0 miles
Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 7/15/2011
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Review 7/15/2011
Please ask about their current return policy before you buy as well as to check the writing on the receipt after your purchase. They have a good selection at this store at decent prices. I have been in the store on several occasions and most recently bought a flat iron there. The salesman and I spoke very specifically about the return policy because I was drawn to purchase an iron that I liked and had before. He told me about a different iron and said that if I wanted to upgrade, I could try the new iron out and if it didn't suit my needs, I could return it and get store credit. When I returned well within the 14 days, stated by the salesman and the printed receipt, the manager told me that they don't accept returns unless the item is defective. It was not only the conflict in information that got my attention, but the manner in which she delivered the information was less than courteous. When I told her what the salesman said, she asked if I had gotten his assurance in writing. I told her that I would come back and speak to the salesman that had helped me to purchase the flat iron. I had to leave town for a few days so I wrote this salesman a note and we returned calls to each other. He told me that he felt he could help me with the return when I got back to town. When I took the flat iron in, again well within the 14 day return policy, neither the manager or the owner would agree to give me store credit. I then told the salesman, who was caught in the middle, "OK I am well within the 14 days that you told me would be ok for a return. Your receipt has the return policy printed on it. I want you to write the reason you are refusing to give me store credit as you have promised. Because now it's a matter of principal and I am going to take this to small claims court." It was a $200 purchase and I thought it would be worth it. He returned shortly to let me know that they would give me store credit as originally promised and per stated on the receipt. This was not simply a misunderstanding or disagreement about something. The owner knew what the salesman told me,knew what the receipt said and would not honor it until I asked the salesman to put the reason why not in writing.
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