Yvi's review of Bolufe Enterprises, Inc

Bolufe Enterprises, Inc

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 7/8/2010
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Review 7/8/2010
I believe if anyone is buying a vehicle from this business I would definitely bring someone that is an expert in detecting damage to a car before purchasing one. Although it is the consumer's responsibility to make sure what you are buying is sound decision but you should also have a sense of trust when a salesperson from this company is selling you a car that is in good condition. I have discovered that at no time of the transaction it was told to me that the car that I have purchased was in an accident and had frame damage, the Carfax did not have record of it either. Given how the economy is I decided that my family would downsize only to one car to alleviate some of the financial burden and decided to see what kind of deal that a REPUTABLE company can give me for my car. Please understand sometime has gone by since purchasing the car. But I was so infuriated by what was done to me that I had to make it known what kind of business you are dealing with. Needless to say when my car was inspected, just yesterday, it was then I was informed that my car had frame damage and the previous owner did not take it to a professional body shop because the work was poorly done. The inspector advised me that my car is no longer able to withstand another impact on that side of the car because it was simply repaired with putty and painted over to cover it up. Mind you, I have two children, had I known this information at the time of the sale I would not have been in my right mind to purchase such a car and financed the amount that I did and only because it was said, "You really can't get a better deal than this due to your credit". Not to mention I was pregnant with one of those children and had said to the salesperson we wanted a slightly bigger vehicle than the one I had. My family are the ones that has suffer the consequences of a business that sold us a car that has considerably lost it's value and more importantly I am driving a car that is not to it's original factory standards. I only wonder how many other consumers they have knowingly sold a car that they knew should not be sold because of its condition. I truly regret buying a car from Bolufe Enterprises. I,of course do partly take the blame for not being a wiser consumer but at what extreme does this business go to make a sale. My suggestion is if you do go there, take someone that has experience in inspecting cars and being able to detect if there was any work done on the car due to an accident. I just didn't want anyone else to experience what I have just been through.
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