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Loan Modification Counselor
9/19/2011 1:58 PM (PST)
I was solicited through this website by a loan modification counselor at Trabuco Canyon Realty. When I was separated and about to lose my home I was convinced by Dinece C to not sign a loan modification offered by my mortgage company because I could get a better loan through the HAMP program. So, I didn't take the offer and Dinece became my link to HAMP and Nationstar Mortgage. This was in Feb 2011. I just signed paperwork for a loan modification that Dinece got for me that wasn't better than the modification I was previously offered. The interest rate was only for 1 year etc. Previously I was offered a 2 year deal. I had to pay 5,000 up front etc. Now I have 1 year to try and refinance otherwise my interest rate goes to 6.75. But Dinece still thinks she deserves her 4,000 dollar fee. She had me sign a contract that basically said I had to pay no matter what modification I received. At the time she lead me to believe that it was no big deal, that she would be able to get me a HAMP loan. That signing her contract was necessary but she wouldn't collect until we were satisfied. I admit she did call us once a week and talked my mortgage company for us and She kept asking for more paperwork. We must have filled out paperwork 3x's. I think each time there is an application they get paid for accepting paperwork. All of this so I could have a modification that wasn't as good as the one I had already negotiated. I tried to speak to her but she hung up on me on the phone. I would definately think twice before working with her. She is unprofessional and difficult and sometimes she is just outright mean when she talks to you. All of this from someone with a psychology degree. She hurt my feelings more than once when she called on the phone. I asked her to call me and not my husband because he is going through an emotional time right now but she continues to call him every hour and harasses him for the money. We don't have any money. It was difficult to come up with the 5000 dollars that our mortgage company asked for upfront. I don't think it's right that she convinced me to look for a better deal with her advice and then after months of trying we get nothing better than I already in a contract with Nationstar. I offered to meet her half way and pay her 2000 dollars since she did try. I wouldn't use her if you are looking for a loan modification.
9/26/2011 5:43 PM (PST)
Shelly J, failed to file her 2009 Federal tax returns though she presented them to me as filed in July 2011. When the bank ran the IRS 4506-T she was immediately disqualified for her modification under MAKING HOME AFFORDABLE.
Our company completed a successful modification her second mortgage for a longer term, lower interest rate and it was converted from a HELOC to a standard mortgage.
She states I was rude to her but Shelly has called into my offices and cursed at my staff, sent threatening email messages to our firm during a weekend I was not available because I was out of town burying my brother in law and she has threatened me personally.
Our offices did not fail in our duty. But Shelly feels she was wrong which is shameful. We stopped three SALE DATES and resolved the delinquency on two mortgages. We took five months to do it because she claimed they needed the time to prepare their 2009 Tax returns which were two years overdue. She presented unfiled tax returns to our offices and to the bank which was received in their eyes as a attempt to defraud the bank, the investor and the federal government.
We did all we could for her but no one deserves to be treated so poorly by a customer. Having someone curse at you, threaten you and then refuse to pay your fee they agreed to in writing shows they are untrustworthy. I have more respect for a client that decides not to accept our services than one who tries to reneg their payment when you do every duty under your contract including a few more to prevent them from being reported for Dodd-Frank violation.
2/6/2012 11:20 PM (PST)
When I read this negative comment about Dinece Carmichael it had my husband and I completely confused. Ms. Carmichael saw our plea for assistance and how we were robbed twice by Attorneys. The first Attorney demanded $10,000 and did absolutely nothing - we are currently addressing this matter with the CA Bar. Then a second company where the owners were Mortgage Brokers and Attorneys did the same thing - took our money and did nothing. Ms. Carmichael came to our home and sat down with us and explained the process. She never took one dime from us. She explained the difference between a HAMP modification and an in-house modification. We fully understood if the HAMP was declined and the in-house was our option then we had to be prepared to pay a good faith down payment because we were more than 15 months behind. It seemed reasonable to us. But when it was all said and done, we put our trust into her and her expertise and we thank God Almighty for her. She saved our home - reduced our payment by $800 per month, showed us how to make and keep to a budget in our home, helped us find an organization called William D. Ford to consolidate all of our student loans and with her plan all of our credit cards will be paid off in 5 years down to $0!!!
Ms. Shelly J., I see Ms. Carmichael responded to you and said you gave her false documents. Shame on you. People like you blame others for your problems and do not see what you did wrong. I mean how many months were you behind on your mortgage? Did you put any money aside just in case? Or did you decide you were going to ignore her advice and not prepare for your modification.
There is no way you worked with the same person I did. Ms. Carmichael was always polite but forthright. She doesn't tell you a lie when a truth will suffice. I think you were dishonest with her and you put her between a rock and a hard-place to fix your situation, you lost your chance for a HAMP and it seems like you want someone to blame.
In either case - my husband and I thank God almighty for Dinece Carmichael because she saved our home, and I have recommended people to her that have received great service and amazing results. I really think you lied to her and got caught by your lender.
2/6/2012 11:27 PM (PST)
Dinece thanks for posting my feelings but I am able to do it now.
When I read this negative comment about Dinece Carmichael it had my husband and I completely confused. Ms. Carmichael saw our plea for assistance and how we were robbed twice by Attorneys. The first Attorney demanded $10,000 and did absolutely nothing - we are currently addressing this matter with the CA Bar. Then a second company where the owners were Mortgage Brokers and Attorneys did the same thing - took our money and did nothing. Ms. Carmichael came to our home and sat down with us and explained the process. She never took one dime from us. She explained the difference between a HAMP modification and an in-house modification. We fully understood if the HAMP was declined and the in-house was our option then we had to be prepared to pay a good faith down payment because we were more than 15 months behind. It seemed reasonable to us. But when it was all said and done, we put our trust into her and her expertise and we thank God Almighty for her. She saved our home - reduced our payment by $800 per month, showed us how to make and keep to a budget in our home, helped us find an organization called William D. Ford to consolidate all of our student loans and with her plan all of our credit cards will be paid off in 5 years down to $0!!! Ms. Shelly J., I see Ms. Carmichael responded to you and said you gave her false documents. Shame on you. People like you blame others for your problems and do not see what you did wrong. I mean how many months were you behind on your mortgage? Did you put any money aside just in case? Or did you decide you were going to ignore her advice and not prepare for your modification. There is no way you worked with the same person I did. Ms. Carmichael was always polite but forthright. She doesn't tell you a lie when a truth will suffice. I think you were dishonest with her and you put her between a rock and a hard-place to fix your situation, you lost your chance for a HAMP and it seems like you want someone to blame. In either case - my husband and I thank God almighty for Dinece Carmichael because she saved our home, and I have recommended people to her that have received great service and amazing results. I really think you lied to her and got caught by your lender.
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